48356?.Immagini?.Yb_ImmagineAnteprima?.GetPropertyValue( 12/05/2022 INNOVATION, DIGITALISATION, AUTOMATION: DKC AT SPS ITALIA DKC will be attending the 10th edition of SPS Italia at Fiere Parma, a long-awaited event by Decision Makers in the manufacturing sector to debate on the most challenging issues of tomorrow's industry Read more 48148?.Immagini?.Yb_ImmagineAnteprima?.GetPropertyValue( 28/04/2022 DKC CABLE TRAYS: FEATURING THE PERFECT SLIDE-IN COUPLING FOR OVER 30 YEARS Safety and efficiency, toghether with constant attention to our customer’s business, are the cornerstones of DKC's philosophy. Read more 47988?.Immagini?.Yb_ImmagineAnteprima?.GetPropertyValue( 14/04/2022 VERTICAL JUNCTION FOR CONCHIGLIA LINE: BEST MODULARITY FOR MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY OF GRAFI ENCLOSURES 5 and 7 Grafi fibreglass roadside enclosures by DKC are getting new functions and more flexibility with Conchiglia vertical junction Read more 47921?.Immagini?.Yb_ImmagineAnteprima?.GetPropertyValue( 08/04/2022 BAYING KIT FOR CQE DKC ENCLOSURES: UNITY IS STRENGTH! The RamBlock Line of CQE modular enclosures gets stronger with a Baying Kit, thus confirming its versatility, ease of assembly, and greater safety. Read more 45053?.Immagini?.Yb_ImmagineAnteprima?.GetPropertyValue( 31/08/2021 DKC is at the forefront of providing practical, innovative solutions to meet the varied needs of energy management and IT infrastructure. Automation, digitisation, industry and company 4.0 are the keywords of development in the most crucial production sectors in response to the growing need for flexible, customised, and interconnected solutions. Read more 44627?.Immagini?.Yb_ImmagineAnteprima?.GetPropertyValue( 21/07/2021 DKC RANKS AMONGST THE 30 CHAMPION COMPANIES IN THE METAL MECHANICAL SECTOR DKC was awarded this prestigious recognition promoted by the ItalyPost Study Centre that saw the company place amongst the 30 top performers in the metalworking sector Read more 44200?.Immagini?.Yb_ImmagineAnteprima?.GetPropertyValue( 25/06/2021 DKC RANKS 24TH ON THE ‘MAGNIFICI 200’ LIST Centro Studi ItalyPost and l'Economia by Corriere della Sera include Gruppo DKC among the best medium-sized Italian companies for its development and robustness. Read more 44007?.Immagini?.Yb_ImmagineAnteprima?.GetPropertyValue( 11/06/2021 DKC OBTAINS UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 CERTIFICATION The Group has made significant investments in energy efficiency and environmental protection Read more
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